With all the nuking, missile threats and other form of aggression being pointed at the US, survival experts pointed out one of the most crucial preparedness items to remember– food storage. Preppers food storage ideas, though aplenty, have one goal in mind: to provide needed nourishment for you and your family in the event of disaster whether natural or man-made. Food being essential for survival and time ticks away like a bomb, it is only fitting to learn the right way to store food in both short- and long-term. Here are some guidelines from topnotch survival experts.

Source: providentlivingsg.wordpress.com
1. It all starts with the right knowledge. Learning the bestpreppers food storage ideas should start by knowing on what type of food to store in the event of a disaster. There are actually three main components in food storage system– short and long-term food supply, water, and financial backing. For the short term (three months at least), store food that consists your usual diet. For longer plans, however, put more focus on some staples like rice, wheat, oats, pasta, beans, potatoes, MREs and freeze dried goods. Add spices and salt as well.
When it comes to easy-peasy MREs, this Classic Bucket from Mountain House is a wise choice. All you need will be boiled water to soak in the pouch and voila! Ready to eat gourmet goodness without the hassle!
2. Size does matter. Experts in survival highly recommend stocking up on food with 3 to 6 months shelf life and at least 3 days, if not 2 weeks, worth of food and water in accordance to family size. Basically, food volume is dependent on a family’s diet system but calories and nutrient content must be considered when building a food storage plan. At the very least, each and every family member must have 1 full meal each day with snackable treats like crackers, nuts, or granola bars in between. Water, on the other hand, is slated at 1gal per person per day, including kids and pets. Remember also to stockpile on food that will fit your storage area.
3. Choose containers wisely. As much as possible, choose stackable containers. Transparent and plastic storage containers must also be avoided as they stimulate oxidation and exposure to outside elements. Go for dark containers like the IRIS 82 Quart Weathertight Store-It-All Toteor sealable Mylar bags. Just remember to put appropriate label bearing the following information– contents, date processed, and date stored. This allows you easy tracking on when they must be consumed and rotated.
4. Location, location. You can’t just store food items anywhere in your home. The idea is to find a storage place where you can organize everything in proper order. It must be cool, dry, well-ventilated, and away from direct sunlight. High temperature stimulates growth of ripening agent, ethylene, and a host of enzymes that hasten decay. Keep it small yet adequate enough to hold the necessary stockpile of food your family requires.
5. Have a regular rotation. Many of the foods which are part of your family’s diet right now can only last to at least three months to a year. It is wise to carve a regular rotation procedure that aims to replace old items with new ones every now and then. Remember the FIFO (first-in, first-out) rule when it comes to consumption. When you see any signs of discoloration, molds or noticed some musty smell, it is time to restock.
6. Always update your inventory. Aside from labeling your food storage containers, it is also wise to keep an easy-to-understand inventory. Use this as a monitoring system for your rotation process. An inventory must also be checked every week to keep track of near-expiration items. These items can then be consumed and replaced with new ones. Stock rotation must always be carefully observed.
7. Think “long term”. When it comes to food storage, it is wiser to think “long term”. Choose MREs with long shelf life like Legacy Emergency Food Ultimate Sample Pack. These products come with a 25-year shelf life allowing you needed nutrients when something adverse happen in the years to come. You may also op to learn canning and preserving for as part of your DIY preppers food storage ideas.
8. Avoid humidity issues. As much as possible, food must be stored in their original packages or via airtight non-clear containers. Most survival food products from powerhouses Legacy, Future Essentils and Mountain House are designed to have foolproof packaging to ensure safety of consumers. These containers are designed to withstand humidity. Keep in mind that aside from fast spoilage, humidity can also stimulate growth of molds which are dangerous to everyone’s health.
9. Say goodbye to Mr. Sun. Food longevity can be cut short due to direct exposure to sunlight as its stimulates early oxidation. This will then, decrease nutritional value of stored food or worst, spoil them before their intended expiration date. Foods rich in vitamins D, A, E and K are the first ones to easily deteriorates. So take time to cover any windows, hatch doors, or other areas in the storage room that may allow exposure of food to sunlight.
10. Hygiene is everything. When it comes to food storage as well as handling, proper hygiene must be carefully observed. Always take time to double check the room. Dust off containers. Do remember to keep raw and fresh foods separated as well as MREs and canned items. Wash hands thoroughly when handling food or during storage. Feel free to stock up on this Germ-x Hand Sanitizer for future use, too.
Overall, these preppers food storage ideas are meant to help you get started in your preparations or to allow needed correction to your current plan. One doesn’t have to wait for another super hurricane or anything worse than that to craft a food storage plan. The idea is to start small like say for three months while slowly building up long term food storage solution that can last for years. Take time to learn the basics and correct misconstrued practices. In everything else, keeping the right amount of food and water for the whole family must be included in your emergency preparedness initiative.