According to CIA Director Woolsey, more than 90 percent of Americans will end up dead if North Korea decides to launch a full-front attack. Scary right? Well, you should be. Even the slightest nuke released to the atmosphere will be enough to disrupt or destroy a sense of normalcy in your daily life. EMP or electromagnetic pulse can cut-off not just communication systems but also power grid. With too much dependency on these two aspects, it is only fitting to look for an EMP attack survival method.

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Not to spawn fear, the essence of survival is always to be ready for the worst. Aside from getting ready with food and water while threat of nuclear attack hangs in the air, you may want to keep these survival tips in mind:
When All The Lights Go Out
When EMP strikes, electrical power grid will eventually go down. Even solar farms distributing or collecting electricity will be in ruins. What to do when your cooking stove, electric oven, air conditioning unit, heater, and so on could no longer function? Better be prepared with the following in your bugout. Some of these may even be portable enough to carry with you should Armageddon strikes in your hood.
- Off-grid stove and solar oven(for cooking)
- Solar kettle (for boiled water)
- Manual can opener (for opening canned goods)
- Swiss knife (for cleaning/slicing game meat)
- Manual water pump (to find water source)
- Match or lighter (to create fire for cooking, warmth)
- Manual can opener or a tactical knife

12 Survivors Off-Grid Survival Stove
Solar Kettle Thermal Flask
Embracing Long Forgotten Tradition
Forget cold cash, bitcoins, credit card or debit cards. All forms of money may be rendered useless when serious EMP attack happens. Your main source of food or things needed to survive may very well rests on whatever available stuffs you have at hand. By this time, good old bartering will be resurrected. From no-cook foods to bullets, grains, gas, butane tanks, survival equipment, books, blankets, clothes, hygiene kit, first aid, OTCs, mosquito repellent, and so on, these items may be in demand allowing you much needed leverage to obtain what is deemed lacking in your arsenal. It’s not asking you to hoard but rather to hold on to certain things that will be in need should EMP armageddon comes beckoning.
Let There Be Light
The nights can be long and deadly when the grid goes down. You will non-electric source to survive. While digging a hole in the backyard to create a bonfire maybe the easiest trick to cook and find warmth, harsh outdoor conditions may only jeopardize your survival. Candles, though EMP-proof, may also be too risky for overnight use. Nevertheless, you can stock up on the following to ensure having the necessary lighting requirement to function even when off-grid:
- Oil lamp/lantern
- Match/lighter
- Wind-up flashlight
- Waterproof lighting

Dietz #2000 Millennium Lantern/Cooker

MECO Hand Cranking Solar Powered Rechargeable Flashlight

Gobrillant Solar Power LED Inflatable Collapsible Waterproof Light
Someone To Talk To
Say goodbye to your glitzy smartphone, tablet or laptop. These items will definitely be inoperable in the event of an EMP attack. Returning to the basic of walkie-talkies and CB radios will do wonders. These, however, may still have to be stored in a Faraday Cage/Bag or be wrapped in military-grade EMP-proof bag. You can purchase them today and store it inside these protective bags and use them when the grid goes down. For emergency cases, having a manual megaphone can also be your last line of defense when seeking immediate assistance.

Cobra 29NW Classic CB Radio

Silent Pocket Faraday Dry Bag

Getz 32” Megaphone
To Have And To Hold
Whether you stay inside your home or be out and about in a bugout somewhere in the wild, you need to have some tools that doesn’t require electricity to help in dire situations. Some of the commonly prepared items by prolific survivalists and preppers are: Swiss knife, pliers, metal cutters, tactical knife, handsaws, hammer, tactical stick, nails, screws, and so on.

Dr. Meter MT-13 Stainless Steel Multi-Function Tool
To Protect And To Cherish
Of course, the essence of EMP attack survival rests on one premise– to survive. You will need to protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of an invasion. You may stock on handguns complete with ammunition in some areas where permit to carry is allowed. If not there are also non-violent self-defense weaponry available today for your protection and defense.

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Overall, the need to be ready for an EMP attack survival should never be taken for granted. Have the abovementioned items at the ready as early as now to ensure protection. When it comes to managing crisis situation, no corners must be cut to ensure everyone’s survival.