Don’t know what things go into an ultimate bug out bag? For a newbie in the prepper arena, building your first-ever bug out bag can be quite overwhelming. If only you can use an Undetectable Extension Charm like what Hermione Granger did to her beaded bag in Harry Potter! But since there’s no such thing as magic during tough times or when out and about hunting or camping in the wild, it is best to know what goes into your backpack. To get you started, the following items are compiled from various prepping experts across the country.

1. Rest For The Weary
An ultimate bug out bag should have a tent, blanket, earth pad or sleeping bag in it. Rest is essential in the wild. To stay on top of your game or to stay alert while being out and about in the wild, the need to gather your energy requires adequate rest particularly at night. When choosing a tent, sleeping bag or hammock, always consider buying ones that are weather- and water- proof. This will help protect you from various environmental hazards encountered along the way. Here’s an excellent choice from Monobeach– a portable 3-in-1 Hammock Kit.
Making fire is another essential aspect in survival. Aside from delivering warmth, it also helps cook food, purify water, and provide illumination in the dark. While making your own torch out of nothing is admirable, it is best to be ready with butane or Zippo lighters or waterproof matches. Subsequently, bringing along with you portable solar-powered light equipment can also provide great help for illumination in the dark. Check out this collapsible lamp shade from Ivation.
3. Drink It Up
Trained US military men always bring their purification tablets wherever they go to war or when providing aid or relief in time of disasters. This is because water always suffer the consequences when there are ongoing skirmishes or disaster. Dehydration kills. Period. For your ultimate bug out bag, however, a good water filter kit like the one from Etekcity below will make any water source potable whatever the situation.
4. Slice And Dice
When it comes to doomsday preparation or perhaps, a bike tour in a foreign area, it is best to have a multi-tool with you. From a knife for cutting chores to scissors, screwdriver, pliers, saw, bottle opener, nail cutter, and so on. This one from Rose Kuli is to die for with its mini-axe, saw and hammer, which pretty much make great companion in heavy foliage and when thinking of building a makeshift resting place or simply trying to cut branches for cooking.
5. Don’t Forget Food
You cannot survive the wild without food. To those who are connoisseurs in hunting, finding a good game meat can be exciting with setting up of traps and snares. It isn’t so to newbies and the virtually inexperienced though. Food packs which can last for 2 to 3 days are highly recommended. Also, these Survival Tabs from LB1 High Performance are infused with 15 essential vitamins and minerals to keep your energy on tiptop shape.
6. Hygiene
Depending on your area and the seasons, it is essential to have some spare clothing as well as toiletries in your ultimate bug out bag. Pack extras like shirts, cargo pants, underwear, socks, work gloves and so on. While good grooming may be the least of your concern, packing a bar soap, toothbrush/toothpaste, wet wipes, and so on must be included in your hygiene kit.
7. Para-cord
You must be wondering what for? Well, for experienced preppers, having a para-cord (or parachute cord) is the ultimate life saver. Aside from those knots you learned in a Boy Scout camp, para-cords re used as boot lace,net making, fishing line, for snares or traps, shelter building, and various improvised stuff to stay alive. Check out this moioOUTDOORS Paracord Bracelet.
8. First Aid
Accident can happen in a blink of an eye. This is even more so during an invasion or a natural disaster. For an ultimate bug out bag, having a well-stocked medical or first aid kit is a must. This is even more so when imminent danger is expected. This Active Shooter Kit from Scorpion Survival is so easy to dump on your backpack. Do remember to bring along your prescribed medication, if any.
9. Armed and Ready
Using a firearm is a matter of personal preference. When you have permit to carry, the need to pick the kind of weapon to bring in the event of a bug out must be carefully thought of. Consider ammunition as well as cleaning kit, too. For those who are anti-gun crusaders, a quarterstaff like this one from OXU can offer great help not just in walking or hiking but also in warding off wild animals as well as in providing self-defense.
10. Connect With Others
In the event of a natural disaster or security breakdown, the first things to go down are cellphone services and the Internet. Choose to bring a walkie-talkie, some spare batteries, and a portable radio. This will help ensure that you are connected to others and the rest of the world.
Without a doubt, the ultimate bug out bag will be filled to the brim with certain things an owner felt essential to his or her survival. In a way, everyone can customize it according to what they believe is essential for them to function. This list will serve as guide for beginners in the world of preppers. Feel free to add what you believe will keep you safe and alive.

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